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new Fortnite lego game mode

The Teen Gamer

epic games in the last 3 days have released 3 new game modes to Fortnite so let's go over them

lego fortnite

as most of you may know Fortnite has collaborated with Lego in a new Lego game mode where all 7+ rated skins are being turned into lego

the game mode is rated 7+

a lot of fans have said it's more similar to Minecraft because of the survival gameplay in my opinion it has some overlap but the game is different


your objective is to get to village level 10 and you need to gather materials and build things in order to level up

when you level up you can add a new villager to your town and sometimes you unlock new things your villagers can do for you

you start the game with either Brite bomber or cuddle team leader, every once in a while a villager visits you with a demand if you complete that demand they join your village

map and exploration

when you start the game you get sent to a small-medium map with buildings, monsters, biomes, other villages, caves, etc

let's go over them

buildings and other villages

in the lego world, there are lots of buildings scattered across the map that seem to resemble ruined houses


On every map, there are 2-3 caves inside the caves are skeletons, mining ores, slurp mushrooms, chests, knotroot, etc

im running out of space so tsya tuned for part 2 bye!

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